As of January 2023, we’re archiving all of our Instagram posts and shifting to a 9-grid strategy.
In this episode, Jocelyn Koury (our Content Marketing Coordinator) and I talk about some of the changes we’re making in 2023, how we’ve decreased our dependence on social media over the past year, and how you can participate in a challenge we’re running from January 23-27.
This episode will give you insight into:
- A “behind-the-scenes” of what Love At First Search is doing to decrease our dependence on social media
- How you can make better use of your time on social media, or getting off of social all together
- How running a service-based business has differed over the past year from a product-based business when it comes to social media
- The 9 things we’re adding to our Instagram grid as we archive all of our other posts
Relevant Links:
- Join the Social Slowdown Challenge, January 23-27, 2023
- Learn more about Jocelyn and The Cozy Tangerine
- Ep. 59: Switching to a 9-Grid Instagram Strategy with Jordan Gill
Read the full transcript
Jocelyn Koury 0:00
And I think about that, too. I’m like, oh my god, like, how would my business do if I just stopped using Instagram like, I don’t know.
Meg Casebolt 0:11
You’re listening to social slowdown a podcast for entrepreneurs and micro businesses looking for sustainable marketing strategies without being dependent on social media. Social media is a double edged sword. It’s a wonderful way to stay connected. But it also can feel like an addictive obligation. And it’s even more complex for businesses, your audience might be right there, but you’ve got to fight with algorithms to maybe be seen by them. So whether you want to abandon social media altogether, or you just want to take a month off, it’s possible to have a thriving business without being dependent on social media. This podcast is all about finding creative, sustainable ways to engage with your audience without needing to lipsync send to cold DMS, run ads or be available 24/7. Let’s get started. Hello, everyone, and welcome to the social slowdown podcast. I am so thrilled to have our love at first search Content Marketing Coordinator Jocelyn quarry joining us today. Hey, Jocelyn.
Jocelyn Koury 1:10
Hi, Meg. Thank you so much for having me.
Meg Casebolt 1:13
Jocelyn has been recording or editing every single one of these episodes. So it’s like, you know, the back catalogue of this podcast better than I do at this point?
Jocelyn Koury 1:21
Yeah, yeah.
Meg Casebolt 1:24
Jocelyn is also the owner of the cozy tangerine. So do you want to tell us a little bit about what that is? We’ll give you a little plug for your business in addition to our business together?
Jocelyn Koury 1:33
Yeah, sure. So I own the cozy tangerine. I’m a woman business. I specialize in handmade crochet, apparel, accessories, and decor. I’m mainly based online. So I have my own online shop. And I also do local markets and events and recently have started doing crochet classes too, which is really fun. I have one last night and it went really well. Actually have another one tonight too. So yeah.
Meg Casebolt 2:02
If you’re, you know, going to craft shows in the Boston area, if you live in Providence, Rhode Island, and you want to learn how to crochet look up Jocelyn at the cozy tangerine.
Jocelyn Koury 2:10
Yes, that’s going to be probably a more up and coming thing. In the new year. I feel like the holidays get kind of crazy. So we’re planning more for January and February. But yeah.
Meg Casebolt 2:23
And the other reason that I wanted to bring Jocelyn on for this conversation is not just kind of a behind the scenes of the love at first search choices that we’re going to be talking about. But also because she has a product based business. She’s doing a lot of promotion on social media. And so she has a different insight to what we do as like a service based online business. So we can sort of talk about that a little bit more. But before we get into this conversation, I do want to explain why Jocelyn and I are talking today. And there’s two reasons. One is that we have spent the last year talking about how to decrease your dependence on social media. And so this conversation is kind of a behind the scenes update of what we love at first search are doing to decrease our dependence on social media over the past year, I personally have spent way, way less time on social. And part of that is because Jocelyn doesn’t said. So it hasn’t been so much of an absence as much as a delegation, we can talk about what that looks like how that handover has happened. But also we are going to be running up a challenge later on this month in January 2023. We’re calling it the social slowdown challenge. So if you want to work with our team to help you figure out how to either decrease the time that you’re spending on social or take a look at what you can do to better effectively, use your time on social so you’re not doing as much or maybe like exiting out of it altogether. Once you look at the numbers, you can head over to social and find out more about that. So that’s the direction that we’re heading. But really, this is just a conversation of behind the scenes of what we’re doing, why we’re doing it. And you know, it’s much more interesting to talk to Jocelyn about it, but to talk to myself. So first, we’ll talk about kind of what the last year has looked like, especially with the addition of the podcast into our marketing efforts. So yeah, typically I as the the primary podcast host, we’ll record the podcast and just hand everything over to Jocelyn and then what’s kind of your process for getting not so much the show notes and the editing but like really the social media side of things. What has that looked like for you?
Jocelyn Koury 4:31
Yeah, so when we like first started, which I guess is almost a year ago now, when you first started the podcast, I mainly was kind of just like taking this information and putting it into like a nice pretty little package to Instagram picture. And then from there, we kind of started to think like, Oh, what if we could, you know, take this information and put it into Rails because rails were like up and coming and then okay, instead of doing a stationary photo, can we make it into a video or just trying to To make it kind of, like engaging for the Instagram grid, so like, what the information that I would take is obviously like, what episode is this? What are you talking about? And the guests, you know, who is the guest kind of just giving like a little blurb of what the episode is about. And then as of recently, we actually started to kind of do like a little in this episode on the Instagram pictures. So you can kind of see, like, at a glance, I guess, a few little bullet points about like more what’s talked about in the podcast episodes. And I think that’s been pretty cool to see recently. But we also with like the YouTube videos, as well. And really any launches or webinars or anything that you’re involved in, we have kind of just been promoting that, like on the Instagram grid, and also the Instagram stories. But I feel like, lately, it’s just, I would say over the past year or so even in my personal business, like the engagement has just gone down on Instagram. Yeah, a lot, like noticeably.
Meg Casebolt 6:09
And I think the engagement has gone down on Instagram in the feed.
Jocelyn Koury 6:13
Yes, the stamps. Yeah. Yeah. And I even look back at like, you know, I mean, it’s kind of hard to, like I was saying, Before we started talking, before we started recording, like, I don’t really know what it was like for you, you know, three years ago on your Instagram, but even just over the past year, seeing going from like, you know, I know, like they’re a vanity metric. So it’s not really something we can measure a lot by, but even just seeing the likes and the viewers and engagement and like, how many times your posts showed up in someone’s feed. It’s just it’s gone down? And I don’t know if that. I don’t know why I would say tick tock has probably a lot to do with it. Yeah, yeah. Cuz our attention is more focused on video content as of late. So, yeah,
Meg Casebolt 7:06
yeah. And we just recorded and it should have gone live last week, by the time people are listening to this a conversation with Andrea Jones, where she said that even if you’re doing everything, right, even if you have all the best practices in place, like probably only 10% of people who are following you are actually going to see something show up in their feed from you unless it like maybe goes viral. But even then it’s not going to be your entire audience seeing it. And there is this new emphasis on video content, like you’re saying, like, following the trends of tick tock. Instagram really wants to be more focused on video. And that’s why they’re promoting the reels. Even when you’re looking through a feed, you’re gonna see more real than you are static images, or even, you know, audio grams or something, they really want those reels to be part of it, and stories. And so you and I sat down on October of this year and kind of just State of the Union, what’s going on? What are we seeing, and looked at the numbers and came to the conclusion that like, the feeds not worth our time anymore? Yeah. Even though your, the amount of time I mean, I’m speaking on your behalf, but like, the amount of time that you’re taking to create the images is not that much more if you’re creating the images for you know, Instagram, and Facebook and LinkedIn and Lynn’s Instagram stories, like we have the templates in place, but even so like it’s the your time that we are investing into creating the images, writing the captions, posting the things, making sure that they’re lined up in the right order, and then like nobody’s reading them, so why are we wasting time on it,
Jocelyn Koury 8:29
and then it goes away in however many hours or days to never be seen again, you
Meg Casebolt 8:35
know, exactly, unlike when we’re looking also at the numbers of like, who’s actually clicking through who’s actually buying not just the engagement of what’s happening on site, but like, who’s actually going and visiting our website and making purchases. Instagram is not a platform that’s built for click throughs we have a Facebook page that nobody sees. So why are we bothering? So that’s the big change that we’re making for 2023 is we’re gonna shut down our Facebook page altogether, just archive it, I’m not deleting it. Maybe someday Facebook pages will come back. I’m not holding my breath for it. We looked at the numbers we saw that people aren’t, they’re neither seeing nor clicking through from it. So like, let’s stop spending time writing and creating something that nobody sees isn’t a good use of your time. Yeah, you know, we can be on all the platforms, but why are we investing that energy into it? And then we’re also making the decision to stop posting on our Instagram feed altogether. Let’s talk about that.
Jocelyn Koury 9:36
Yeah, I’m like so interested to see what that’s going to be like because I like for my business. I feel like a lot of my original customers came from Instagram because that’s where I started really like selling before I had an online shop. I kind of just like, use Instagram as my platform to get my products out there and stuff and So I still feel like I owe my, for my, my business, I use it a lot. So like the thought of not using Instagram like scares, and I think about that, too. I’m like, oh my god, like, how would my business do if I just stopped using Instagram? Like, I don’t know. So same with like, I have no idea how it’s gonna work.
Meg Casebolt 10:23
I think that’s also like we have different business models, we have different types of businesses, right. So as a service based education based organization, I love it for search, like, We are the ways that we are using our feed our educational, it’s, you know, it’s not the same that you’re using. Whereas for you as a product based business, especially a handmade product based business, you’re showing your products and people are, maybe they don’t even know that they want it, right. They don’t have that awareness of like, I didn’t know that I needed this hat, or this shirt, or this keychain, or whatever it is that you’re creating, you know, but then they see it, they’re like, Oh, well, like, Give me Give me that.
Jocelyn Koury 11:03
Yeah, and I feel like Instagram has been more of a, honestly, it’s turned into a lot of shopping. Like there’s literally a shopping tab on there now to where as I feel like it doesn’t lend itself very well to, like long form educational content, like people are on Instagram to be entertained. If they can be compared to like, tick tock or something. And, and just like see those quick, funny or like entertaining things versus, oh, I’m on here, because I want to learn how to make my website better. So I can get more clients. You know, it’s, it’s very different. And I think that’s something that,
Meg Casebolt 11:45
you know, Instagram has changed a lot. In the last episode, Andrea was like five years ago, you could just like find a quote from Albert Einstein and make it pretty and put it up and people would share it. And that’s not what the platform is for anymore. And to your point, it’s like, if I need to learn something, I’m not going to Instagram to learn it. I’m going to YouTube or I’m going to Google or I’m going to like a very specific platform like a Udemy or Skillshare. Right. Like, if there’s something that I am curious about, I search for it, as opposed to scrolling for it. And knowing what your client behavior is, is really important here that like if your client is going on to Instagram to be entertained, and then you start saying like, well, here are the five tips for better converting them like they’re absolutely going to slide right past it, skip right over it, you know, like, what’s the I don’t know that the full swipe that you do in stories?
Jocelyn Koury 12:34
Yeah, like, yeah, yeah.
Meg Casebolt 12:42
You’re just like, you’re not even just gonna tap, you’re gonna, like fully swipe to get past it. Right. Yeah. And so knowing what your audience engages with what they want from you on these different platforms, and if what you’re creating is not what they want on that specific platform, then like, find a different platform. Yeah, I wouldn’t take this half an hour conversation and be like, I’ll just slice it up into one minute reels, and what the entire 30 minute conversation on because nobody wants that on Instagram. And like, the attention span isn’t there for that. That’s not what it’s for. That’s not how it’s built. You can’t go as deep on these platforms. And there’s absolutely, like you’re saying a time and a place where people are like, I’m scrolling. Ooh, that’s cute. I’m gonna buy that. That’s not what I want. That’s not how I think love it. First Search should be representing ourselves online, because we’re just not what I like. Yeah, products that are adorable to open those doors. Yeah. Yeah,
Jocelyn Koury 13:38
you don’t want it to be like a quick Oh, that’s cute. I’m gonna keep scrolling thing like you actually want people to be engaged with what you’re posting. So I think figuring out those, I guess nine things that we’re going to post on the grid, you know, will be crucial.
Meg Casebolt 13:57
So we’ve made the decision to archive, how many years of Instagram posts
Jocelyn Koury 14:02
when it’s funny. I was going back and it’s funny how you were like, Oh, you used to be able to just like find a cute quote and like put up on Instagram. And I was like scrolling back to start archiving like the Late Late ones. And it’s so funny because like, the style of Instagram really has changed. Like, you could post pretty cutesy pictures back then just like RC things. And that was like what Instagram was for. Like I even used to do that on my personal Instagram. And now it’s just like, No, it there needs to be a purpose. You know? So yeah, we’re archiving. Oh, gosh, I don’t even know. I think I was close to 20 2018 Yeah, I don’t know if you were on there before then.
Meg Casebolt 14:47
I may have been a maybe I archived at the last rebrand.
Jocelyn Koury 14:50
Yeah, I just don’t know if I could scroll all the way back. Like I don’t know how far
Meg Casebolt 14:55
I know. I’m doing it right now. And I’m like, Yeah, my kids being born and I’m like, Yeah, Have you pictures of my kids anymore on social? Because I just like that’s not that’s not my brand. That’s not Well, that’s not how I want to, you know, articulate the business. But at that point, it was just me. So I do have like, oh look, here’s my kids newborn shoot. And here’s some Yeah, like, I had like, all these color coded things and like, it’s so it’s just so different than it used to be.
Jocelyn Koury 15:22
Yeah, sadly, though, because I, I liked Instagram like that. And, you know, I used to like it. So
Meg Casebolt 15:30
I’m trying to look up what it wasn’t. It’s like 256 weeks ago. Thanks instantly. Five years. Okay, can we just say five years ago?
Jocelyn Koury 15:38
Yeah. Oh, yeah.
Meg Casebolt 15:40
So what we’re gonna do is we’re gonna go through an archive all of these old posts, so by the time you’re hearing this, you won’t be able to see my kids newborn pictures. And we’re gonna replace them with a nine grid. Now I’m gonna have a conversation next week with Jordan Gill all about her decision to do the nine grid, how she decided what hers is how that’s sort of changed in her business, because she’s already done it. So you’ll have a case study next week. But here’s our plan. We’re gonna, we’re gonna archive everything, and then just make it so that way, there’s one, basically, image and each one of them will have one specific thing that you need to know about love at first search, if you’re curious about working with us, or hearing more about us, etc. So let’s talk about I mean, I think we have our list of nine things that we talk about, right?
Jocelyn Koury 16:24
Yeah, yeah. So I think we said the first thing that we wanted to talk about was like, Okay, why are we doing this? Like if someone goes to your Instagram profile, and they only see nine images now, like, kind of explaining? Like, why are we doing this? Yeah, so that was the first thing like the why. And then we also want to talk about, like, love at first searches, mission, vision, core values. I’m looking at my list right here.
Meg Casebolt 16:53
I know I’m pulling it up to.
Jocelyn Koury 16:57
Okay. And then we wanted to also talk about like, our ideal client. So you know, if someone comes to your Instagram, because we’re not like getting rid of your Instagram profile. So like, if people come there, we want to kind of give them a good idea of like, who you are, what the brand is, who the brand caters to, you know, are you willing to rent a place? Yeah, exactly. And then I guess, kind of going more into ways that people can either learn from you or work with you. So we want to include attract and activate.
Meg Casebolt 17:31
And that’s our SEO membership for people who want to learn how to do their own SEO.
Jocelyn Koury 17:35
Yep. And then also the, what else we have here,
Meg Casebolt 17:40
our roadmaps, how you can have us do your SEO strategy for you. So you have two slides there to two posts that slides about, like how you can work with us basically, what it looks like and feels like to work with us in our two signature offers.
Jocelyn Koury 17:55
Yeah. And then also some freebies. So we just thought or I guess, Megan, Director. Yeah, we have the new quiz. So what’s your SEO romantic comedy movie? We’ll we’ll have that there, too. So you can kind of see who can take you on your journey to easy search.
Meg Casebolt 18:18
Have you taken the quiz? Oh,
Jocelyn Koury 18:20
you know what I did? When you like started putting the quiz together, when you needed someone to like go through and see how it works, which I think was probably like a year ago now.
Meg Casebolt 18:31
After so many other things going on this year.
Jocelyn Koury 18:34
So I’m actually gonna go and take that after we’re done talking here and electron wanted to know who you were. Oh, dang. Okay.
Meg Casebolt 18:42
I’m gonna guess that you’re almost famous.
Jocelyn Koury 18:44
Okay. All right. You gotta
Meg Casebolt 18:47
tell me after. In case you’re curious. I think the answers are like the notebook. Almost Famous. Forgetting Sarah Marshall. Moulin Rouge isn’t one of them. Jerry Maguire is one of them. Oh, man, there’s so many good romantic comedies that we have partial answers to. So anyway, go take the quiz if you’re listening to this, because it’s a really fun quiz. Yeah. So that’s our newest freebie. And then we also have our web design guide and our starter kit as our freebies that we’re listing in there. So those will all be at that like link in profile. So if people see a freebie that they like, but we only have the one link, we have a like just page on the limit for search website where we just have links to everything. So we’ll just leave that up year round, basically.
Jocelyn Koury 19:33
Yeah. And then we will also have a section dedicated to the podcast and YouTube channel. Yeah.
Meg Casebolt 19:44
And so we’ll have links to like, here’s how to listen to the podcasts on all your major players. And here’s the YouTube channel and then we’re gonna continue to promote any new podcast episodes or YouTube videos in part because we want to let people know that they exist. And in part because a big part of Instagram and our Uh, in our strategy has been using the stories to tag the people who are in the episodes. Yeah. And I hope they’re sharing that too.
Jocelyn Koury 20:09
Yeah, exactly. Because I one thing that I’ve also noticed too is with Instagram, like, if you post almost too much your engagement is goes down and like, the more sparingly you post those posts and stories actually get like higher engagement. So I’m wondering, it’ll be interesting to see, you know, just posting stories like tagging our guest speakers from our podcast episodes in our stories. I’m wondering if maybe that engagement will be a little bit higher, because we’re posting less?
Meg Casebolt 20:44
Yeah, I don’t know. I’m like, very curious to see how this plays out, ya know, and, you know, from having worked with me for like, over a year at this point, but I’m like, Well, let’s try it. Yeah, look at the numbers, right, if this backfires, we’ll do is about a follow up episode, we’re like, well looked at bats flying back to the feet. But like I even or same with shutting on the Facebook page, which we haven’t talked about that much like, we’ll keep an eye on the traffic, because some of our traffic comes from Facebook. But we know, we know from UTM parameters, because I’m a big old nerd. Like, what, what which of our traffic is actually getting click throughs on our Facebook traffic is me being tagged in groups where people are going, I need someone to do my SEO, the traffic that we’re getting from Facebook is not our own Facebook page. It’s its reputation tagging. Yeah. So that’s not something that I can I can’t control whether people are tagging or linking to our page, you know, so we have the ability also to be able to look at the information and be like, where else? Are we not getting results? Where else are people not having these conversations, we are, however, going to stick around on LinkedIn. Because we find that when we post especially podcast excerpts and information about that on my personal LinkedIn page, not so much the company LinkedIn page, we haven’t done a lot with that. We just basically built that so that we could put some job postings up but like on my personal LinkedIn page, people do engage with our content. So we’re not going to stop that because people are having conversations when they’re,
Jocelyn Koury 22:10
yeah, that’s where your audience is. And we talk about like figuring out, like, what works for you. And if Instagram, Facebook is not working for you. Why spend all this time on it.
Meg Casebolt 22:25
And I’ll regularly you know, when I start a new if I you know have new people coming to the email list, one of the things that we asked you in that first email is like, Where’d you hear about us? How’d you find us? On our contact form? We have that same question. So we have that sort of self reporting mechanism. And whenever I do like a webinar, or any sort of live training, I will say, Where did you hear about us? And usually, people will say, Well, I follow you on social, you know, I follow you on Instagram, or I am connected with you on LinkedIn, or whatever it is, but where it heard about you was someone else’s podcast, or somebody told me to listen to your podcast. And then when it comes to clients, when I get on new discovery calls with clients, they’ll say, well, so and so told me about you, and then I’ve finished your YouTube channel. And then I decided to put in a call. So it’s like, a sometimes the information is not in the Insight tabs is sometimes the information is not going to show up in the mechanisms that we can use for tracking. Sometimes it’s just in a conversation with somebody who is an ideal client. And you can say like, Where’d you come from?
Jocelyn Koury 23:27
Yeah, yeah, it’s really just like making those connections and relationship building. Yeah.
Meg Casebolt 23:34
And the longer you’re in business, I mean, or the stronger your network is one or the other. The stronger your reputation is, the less you need some of these alternative channels. And the more you can encourage people to talk about you, which like, if you’re listening to the podcast, and haven’t told the friend, this is a really good time to do it. You know, what are the things that you can do to encourage people to talk about you and share about you so that you don’t have to be on these platforms. If you need more help with that, go back and listen, the conversation we had with Michelle Warner, about tapping into your network and making sure that you use some of those weak ties. You know, she talked about how your network has both strong ties and then weaker ties, people you don’t know as well, but they actually have a different network than you do. And therefore they can, if you collaborate with them, or if you get referrals from them, they can hit a totally different audience. So if that’s something that you want to start integrating into your marketing strategy, definitely go back and listen to that because Michelle is a genius with that stuff. After having listened to me talk about this for a year, Jocelyn I’m curious how um, how this may have changed your approach within your business to how you do marketing because we do have very different businesses and like you said, like, people are like you would a tick tock go viral, like really? Like, what was it last summer that like, plus sales and like a day?
Jocelyn Koury 24:58
I think it actually was this This past February No, I think it was February. Yeah, but so I, I really just started tick tock like this past year, I never had a tick tock didn’t know what it was. I was like the stingy, old, I was like, I’m not downloading Tick Tock
Meg Casebolt 25:16
20s You could tell you’re
Jocelyn Koury 25:19
like, it was all like the kids younger than me. So I was like, I’m not doing it. Like I’m making a point, you know? But yeah, so I just, I literally don’t even know what happened. It was just the right audience. It was kind of I feel like on platforms like Tiktok. It’s a very hit or miss type thing. It’s almost kind of just like luck. Again, I’m not like a tic toc expert. So I can’t say for sure. But yeah, I had one video that went viral. It had like, 1.5 million views. And it just got me like, like, over 100 orders within a span of a few days. Yeah. So when I saw how much that, like, how much traffic that got me, I was like, Oh, this is really cool. Like, maybe I should start putting more time and effort into tick tock, but then I kind of just saw the same thing happening again, it’s just like, it really is a hit or miss type thing. And same with Instagram, too. Like I said, Before, I have been I’ve been using Instagram for a years, like since Instagram was a thing. You know, I had a sense it was a photo filter app. Yeah. When I was like taking pictures of like my fuzzy talks. But yeah, it definitely has changed. But after, you know, listening to you talk about this for almost a year now. It has made me kind of think like, oh, maybe I need to not rely so much on being on social media 24/7, because I really am, it’s really bad. Like, I always have my phone on me. And I’ve been trying to do better at like, not constantly needing my phone, they’re like, every time I see an Instagram notification, I’m like, leave it you can do that later, you know.
Meg Casebolt 27:09
And that’s how they, that’s the addictive nature of it is if we can just look good. They know like, you see a notification. And you could go in and just answer the notification. But once you’re in there, that’s all like, really,
Jocelyn Koury 27:20
yeah. Yeah, but so I actually like started to take some of your advice mug and you know, go into my website and start editing me alt text for my images. And, you know, putting those keywords into like my pages and stuff, and even my product descriptions to like, I used to kind of just write whatever came to mind. And I was like, Oh, this is cute, see, whatever, but I’ve kind of just been trying to be more strategic with my website. So I can see some more traffic coming in organically from search versus just, oh, I have a new product, I need to go on Instagram stories today and post it to make a sale, you know.
Meg Casebolt 28:06
And that’s, I mean, part of that also is you were telling me recently, like, I get tired of making the same thing over and over again. So like, creating new things and selling them once at which point, a more time sensitive platform like tic tic tac, or Instagram is going to be a better fit for you. But if there are those core products that you want to make over and over and over again and have the variables on there and let people find them and those image results and have them show up on Pinterest or wherever you are, you know, search engine is like, that’s when it makes sense to do that optimization so that it can keep selling without you needing to post about it all the time.
Jocelyn Koury 28:40
100%. And that’s what I’ve noticed, too. Like, it’s mainly been for the products that have been my best sellers, like over the past year or so that those are the ones that I’ve really optimized. And I think people are starting to know, they see those products and like, oh, that’s the cozy tangerine. You know, like, that’s where you got that. Which is pretty cool.
Meg Casebolt 29:03
To have, like a signature product that is recognizable, like even on the street that people would be able to recognize your brand. That’s cool. Yeah, but that’s fine.
Jocelyn Koury 29:11
But it’s also it’s also interesting to because some of those products like became bestsellers because of viral videos. So you know, it’s kind of twofold.
Meg Casebolt 29:24
I mean, which came first the chicken or the egg, you know, like which came first the desirable product then got shared and therefore went viral or the video that went viral and therefore your desired product got into people’s hands. Like we don’t necessarily know we can’t predict which are gonna go viral. Or because of like, the time of day and who else is posting and all these are in the algorithm, but also like that was it like a little
Jocelyn Koury 29:48
the mushroom mushroom teaching? Yeah, let’s
Meg Casebolt 29:51
look closer to it or a lighter into it was like Yeah, little size. And so it’s like, did that go viral? Because you posted it in the right time or because people were like, wow, that’s cute. Let me sure that right? We don’t necessarily know how that algorithm and how that that user behavior may have impacted those sales, maybe it would have been a best seller regardless of the time of day that you posted it because it just hit the right people at the right time. And they would have shared it no matter what.
Jocelyn Koury 30:12
Yeah. Yeah. So it’s, it’s definitely been something that I’m always I’m always thinking about it. Now. I’m like, I can’t rely on this one video that I’m posting to go viral again, like I always have that in the back of my mind. I’m like, okay, what can I do? So that if this video or this Instagram post doesn’t reach the right audience, like, how can I still make this worth my time? You know, and that’s when I’m going in and I’m always updating my website. I’m like, constantly doing an hours.
Meg Casebolt 30:49
So I think what we’re all learning from Jocelyn is if you want to learn marketing, just get a part time job working for a marketing,
Jocelyn Koury 30:55
right? No, seriously, your job forever. Yeah, for sure, listen to something that is helpful and has been beneficial to me this whole time.
Meg Casebolt 31:08
Any final thoughts you want to share before we wrap this up?
Jocelyn Koury 31:12
I don’t know. I feel like we we kind of touched on everything. Alright, cool.
Meg Casebolt 31:17
So yeah, if anyone here is interested in having a deeper conversation about what it looks like to look at your metrics to figure out what time you’re spending on this and to consider decreasing your, your personal or business dependents on social media, head on over to social Especially if you’re listening to this in January of 2023. We’re gonna be doing a live challenge at the end of the month, all about taking a look at these metrics for your own business and coming up with some alternatives if it is something that you want to decrease or walk away from. So thank you, Jocelyn, for everything for sharing what we’re working on together, but about your own business. I always love to hear how it works differently across different business models. And, you know, I’ll see you on our staff meeting next week.
Jocelyn Koury 32:03
See you next week. Meg, thank you so much.
Meg Casebolt 32:07
Thank you so much for listening to the social slowdown podcast. If you enjoyed this episode, please subscribe or come on over to social and sign up for our email list so you never miss an episode. We’d also love if you could write a review to help other small business owners find the show you can head over to social Or grab that link in our show notes for easy access. We’ll be back soon with more tips to help you market your business without being beholden to social media. Talk to you then
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