Marissa Lawton is an 8-year online entrepreneur and conduit for ancient women’s wisdom who guides feminine seekers to reclaim their divine power and channel it into their businesses. 

As a former licensed therapist who left the medical model of mental health care, Marissa had a behind-the-scenes look into how patriarchal systems and structures continue to diminish women’s ability to co-create the lives and businesses that serve their innate needs. 

And her Work in the world is to change that.

By helping women reconnect to nature’s rhythms, Marissa aims to reintroduce long-denied mysteries and reestablish deep feminine roots in the entrepreneurial space.

In this week’s episode, Marissa and I are talking about how you can bring more feminine energy into your business. We discuss:

  • Living from a rooted place
  • Intuitive decision-making for your business
  • Listening to your intuition versus having an analytical mindset when it comes to business decision-making; Can you do both?
  • What does masculine and feminine energy look like in a business?
  • Traditional marketing with a mystical, sacred flare and how you can bring mysticality into your business
  • Redefining your measure of success
  • Some examples of how you can bring more feminine energy into your business

Read the full transcript

Marissa Lawton  0:00 
In rooted, there’s the spiritual component, how do you want to feel sacred on your own terms? How can you be not only doing your business tasks, you know, delivering a webinar from a rooted place from a sacred place, and then also life at the grocery store? You know, your kid gets in trouble and you’re called into the principal’s office, how are you advocating from a routed place? How are you embodied in those moments? So yes, in in business? Absolutely. Let’s say you have, you know, a client requesting a refund or like all these issues that we have that come up in our business, right? How do we handle those from a rooted place? And then it trickles out into life? How do we also live our lives from a rooted place?

Meg Casebolt  0:43 
You’re listening to social slowdown, a podcast for entrepreneurs and micro businesses looking for sustainable marketing strategies without being dependent on social media. I’m your host, Meg Casebolt. And I have a new book coming out called Social slowdown. It’s taking all of the 80 plus interviews that we’ve done so far in this podcast series, and turned it into something that’s a little bit more easily digestible. It will be available on July 2720 23. And it’ll only be $4 on Kindle and $9. On paperback. So I would love, love, love. If you could support the podcast by going on Amazon and buying the book. If you preorder it, I would especially appreciate that because that would help us get to a best seller status. Even if you don’t read it. That’s okay. So if you want to get your copy of the social slowdown book, head on over to social and get that today. And now let’s get back to the podcast, which is all about finding creative, sustainable ways to engage with your audience without needing to lip sync, send cold DMS run ads or be available 24/7 Let’s get started. Hello, welcome to Social slowdown podcast. I am here today with Marissa Lawton, I we’re here to talk about Marissa newest venture rooted so thank you for being here with me today. Mercer.

Marissa Lawton  2:07 
Yeah, I’m so excited. I always love chatting with you.

Meg Casebolt  2:10 
I know I’m so excited for this. Now, I specifically wanted to talk to you about what you’re working on. Now, I know that you’ve spent the past couple of years building kind of a more traditional online business with the funnels and the launches and the Facebook ads and the big everything. And that was a freaking lot for you. Can you talk a little bit about like sort of that transition from the more traditional business model into what you’re doing now with rooted?

Marissa Lawton  2:42 
It’s so funny, because in business, in my life, I’ve always done like, what’s not cool, like, you know, the 2000s, like, let’s all have like highlighted street straight like pencil straight hair, and I’m like rocking, you know, curls or whatever. Like, I’ve just always been in a grunt against the grain person, you’re rebellious, a little bit maybe. And it shows up in business, like, you know, I’ve run a high ticket high touch program for six years now. And we know like, you know, with the slow funnels, and it was like sell the sell the low ticket and the you know, it’s the year of low ticket and all this stuff. And I’ve just always kind of done what I wanted to do. Everybody was making their program shorter. I took the same program from six months to nine months and made it longer and ask people to spend more time with me, you know, so they’ve always done what I wanted, basically. And it’s worked out well for me. And now I’m making the pivot you’ll see everywhere on like all the Facebook ads, like you mentioned, we’re talking like high ticket this and high ticket. You’re I am now moving into something low ticket. So it’s just interesting. Basically, I decided to make that shift because I’m, while I love my existing program, I love the cohort model. It requires quite a bit of an investment for me, I do have a graphic designer who is on staff and helps. And I have a copywriter on staff who helps before I had them. I did that all myself. So I you know, I started making strategic hires to relieve myself a bit. But I still spend at least 10 hours a week in delivering the program. Right so like in my business that doesn’t count any of my on my business.

Meg Casebolt  4:27 
I want to explain foods I kind of like glossed over at the beginning, the program that you’ve been running for the last six years is helping therapists to take their in person private practice and have some sort of online components so that way they don’t get as burned out doing one to one in person therapy. And so that program is very, very hands on because you’re helping them build webinar funnels and digital courses and offers and sales pages and doing the copywriting and doing the design and building the websites and there’s it’s a very a hands on program, which is beautiful and gets great results. But also, like you’re saying, like, because you’re hands on because your team is hands on. It’s mentally and emotionally, a lot. It’s very draining for you. It’s very time consuming for you.

Marissa Lawton  5:17 
It is and for for different reasons. I’ve set my program up in a way that I’ve had coaches tell me Oh, you don’t have to do it this way. But my audience is very particular. I’m a former practicing therapist as well. Like I understand this audience, I know that they want a closed cohort, I know that they want small group. So I run multiple calls so that they have a small group feel. And you know, that’s intentional, but it also doesn’t always serve. So when I was thinking about what’s my next venture in business, and bringing on my own side hustle, because I’m still running that brand. It’s not like I’ve closed anything down. But I knew I was I don’t know if I love the word pivot, because I’m not pivot, to me, me implies I’m like turning my back, which I’m not right. I’m still expanding. Yeah, that’s a better word. I love that. So in this expansion, I didn’t want to expand the same way I didn’t want to bring on another high touch program, even though it’s what I’m very good at. And what I’m known for, I wanted to do it differently in a way that preserved some energy in a way that filled me as much as it drew from me.

Meg Casebolt  6:28 
Yeah, and I think especially like you, I think the word that comes to mind for me about this is like, a more spiritual, more intuitive approach to this. So even though you weren’t following that, like, you know, self liquidating offer into Baba Baba, like that sort of like, heavy masculine energy funnel of get as many people as possible on your list and 10x and bump up, you know, like, there’s a lot of Guru energy there. And you never really bought into that. But your approach to life is very Woo is very spiritual. And so when because you and I were in a mastermind together with Jacqueline, that was how we met. I’ve had Jacqueline on the podcast, and I met her podcast. So it’s like, oh, yeah, Jacqueline, but you and I met while you were building out rooted and you really wanted it to have a very different, slower approach.

Marissa Lawton  7:25 
You Yeah, I love that you bring that in. Because it’s like, a lot of people build their lives around their businesses, like their businesses, what they do, and then they’re fitting their life in around it. And I have, I think I’ve always kind of taken the other approach. But really, when I brought rooted it really was very intentional. What I built out my whitespace, before I put my business on the calendar, I built out my life space, before I put anything rooted on the calendar, which was a flip for me. And even though I was already kind of on this track, so I imagine is a big flip for a lot of people,

Meg Casebolt  8:05 
I think I think a lot of us start there with it with not just what is the whitespace. And what is my work time, but we have to sort of break through these these cultural patriarchal capitalist like, Well, when I worked in an office, I worked from 830 to five every day. And so those are my working hours. And that is when I should be expected to be at my desk. And what I’m hearing you say is like, even before making this expansion, you you struggled a bit with that, but with side hustle with your existing business, that has always been, it has started in a very similar capitalistic driven way of like, well, if I if I’m at my desk, I have to be working in these hours. And you, I think part of the transition of being able to slow down with side hustle and to pull it back to being able to be delivered in 10 hours a week was some of that recognition of, I don’t need to work a 40 hour 50 Hour Workweek to be successful. I don’t need you know, I don’t need to create new programs all the time, I have a successful program that I can continue to run and deliver and just have new people coming into it. And that’s a much I don’t want to say anti capitalist because it’s not but it’s a slower, ease based approach versus the business called side hustle, but had not quite such a hustle culture as many other businesses.

Marissa Lawton  9:33 
It’s so funny because I can see the common threads between the two things. So rooted is designed for us to step into our feminine energy on a daily basis. Like there’s a difference between rooting and grounding. That’s a good place to start right grounding like go do your grounding exercises, right? We’ve all heard about that, like ground down, whatever. It’s really an in the moment, response or practice. to do when you are feeling triggered or when you are feeling that your nervous system is aroused, right? So you then go do the grounding exercise, routing is living from that place all the time, and embodying that all the time I am rooted, I don’t need to go ground, because I’m already rooted, right? So there’s a difference. So, where as inside hustle, I was empowering women to make money on their own terms to to create this lifestyle on their own terms. And rooted there’s the spiritual component, there’s how do you want to feel sacred on your own terms? How can you be not only doing your business tasks, you know, delivering a webinar from a rooted place from a sacred place, and then also life at the grocery store? You know, your kid gets in trouble and you’re called into the principal’s office? How are you advocating from a rooted place? How is that sacred? How is that? How are you embodied in those moments? So yes, in in business? Absolutely. Let’s say you have, you know, a client requesting a refund, or like all these issues that we have that come up in our business, right? How do we handle those from a routed place? And then it trickles down into life? How do we also live our lives from a rooted place? And how

Meg Casebolt  11:17 
did you come to find this, like, within your own business? And how did you recognize that this was something that you’re not even like, target audience because I feel like therapists, as as a culture may already have some of this knowledge, just from there, some of it? But like, how did you recognize that this was a business opportunity, and not just something that you personally were embracing? Well, I think

Marissa Lawton  11:39 
that’s the difference, right? With side hustle, I went out and I did the market analysis. And I was like, Okay, I’m, if I’m a therapist, what are the problems I’ve had in this career that I did? How can I introduce an offer to solve a problem in the market? Where are the gaps, etc, with rooted it wasn’t like that with rooted in it, you know, to get real, whoo. It was almost like a channel, like I received this, like, this is a way of being and living. And then I prep, put it into practice for myself. And then I monetized it. Right? Because I was like, Well, I’m interested in this, there might be other people that are interested in it. So it wasn’t the traditional like, let me go research the market. Let me go do validation, all that stuff, which I know on a business podcast is not always what we want to hear, because we like, we’d like the step by steps or the this is what is guaranteed to work, you know, and I’m kind of saying that’s not how I did it.

Meg Casebolt  12:33 
I think we we quote unquote, we like that. Because sometimes it feels like action feels more tangible, great. But we don’t always tap into that, like body compass moment of how does this how do I feel about doing this? How do I want this to feel some of those less tangible, more intuitive hits that we get that we ignore? Because we’ve been told that this is the way that you are supposed to be doing things? And one of the big things that I find myself talking about regularly on this podcast isn’t just about social media isn’t just about traditional marketing. It’s much more like, well, who says and why? And there are hundreds of marketing podcasts out there that would say, Oh, just follow this 10 step approach. And you’ll have an evergreen webinar. And then you never have to do a sales call again. And my sort of rebellious reaction to all of that is like, but how does that fit with that? Is that what I want? Is that how I want to feel is that how I want my clients to feel is that how I want to be running my businesses that way, I want to be spending my time. And it sounds like a lot of what you were experiencing, and what you’re sort of teaching now is like, maybe that’s not necessarily the way to make those decisions. And if you have the market analysis, and if you if that’s how your brain works, and you see those gaps, that’s fine, but then we also have to tap into some of that

Marissa Lawton  14:03 
gut stuff. Exactly. That’s exactly what I was gonna say. It’s like in the patriarchal society and in capitalism, we’re rewarded for everything that goes up, we’re rewarded for our analytical mind, we’re rewarded for critical thinking, we’re rewarded for all of that, well, in the work that I did kind of on my personal journey, and that I’m bringing into rooted it’s like, there is a whole source of wisdom in the body. There is so there’s, there’s science that backs this up, they have measured the neural activity, we think neural activity of brain, there’s neural activity in our hearts. There’s neural activity in our guts. And so the there’s this argument that we actually have multiple brain centers in the body, not just this head brain, that wisdom can come from the heart that lights up on an MRI, just like the brain might or wisdom can come from the gut. Just like what refers to what lights up on an MRI like the brain might write. So in ancient, like feminine this is this is what read it addresses like ancient feminine wisdom. We’ve known this all along, right? We know women are intuitive. We know that there we date women used to have Oracle abilities. And when people were planning government, like governments, there was an oracle at the table, right? So this is stuff that has been lost, that I want to help people reclaim. And you can reclaim this in your business by Yes, of course, there is a time to have your analytical, analytical mind online, you need to be able to read your metrics, you need to be able to see your KPIs are all that right. But also, let’s say we’ve mentioned webinars a couple of times here, like let’s say you’re like, what’s my next Webinar going to be? You know, you could go in with your analytical mind, okay, my last five pieces of content where this, this got the most views or the most clicks, or whatever. So this one seems to be the best, I’m going to create my webinar around this. Or you could sit with your body and say, What do I feel is the right answer to create this webinar? What do I feel like would serve my audience best? And it’s just a different way of making this decision? I don’t think

Meg Casebolt  16:11 
it has to be either or it can be let me go look at the content. Let me look at the analytics. Let me listen to my body. Let me have conversations with my audience. And let us come to an informed decision using all of the data that’s available to me, whether that is the quantitative data that I can measure and see or the qualitative data, qualitative data, which is anecdotal, or that is intuitive, or that, and I think a part of it, too, is not even just like, what do people need to hear? But like, what do I feel like I want to deliver because if I’m showing up for something like a webinar, I don’t want to feel resentful of the topic just because that’s something that people chose, because when you show up, resentful, you hear it, you feel it, people are less likely to buy if they’re like, well, she’s not gonna do this.

Marissa Lawton  16:55 
And in my work, I would take it three, three levels, I would do the quantitative, like you talked about the qualitative that’s coming from the surveys and the feedback and all that, and then I would take it to the mystical, right? What does my intuition say? What is my sixth sense, say about this? Right? So that I think is we’re really like magical place to operate a business from, and I don’t think I would ever operate my business 100% from that place, though, I know people who do let that only make more like mystical guided decisions, or whatever. But I think that there’s something to bring that in to the way that we’ve traditionally run business, and maybe you’re maybe you’re like 60%, traditional 40%, mystical or maybe you’re like 90% traditional 10% mystical, but I think that there is a degree that we can bring this and especially as female entrepreneurs who have access to these magics, whatever like, word you want to use, but this, it’s a skill set, in listening to your intuition is a skill set that we have been told for generations is evil, or is stupid, or is whatever. But it’s just as legitimate as this analytical learning how to read a spreadsheet, etc. It is a skill set that we can cultivate, and we can bring more mysticism more magic into our businesses. And we can decide what degree we want that to be, like I said, some but some people is going to be like listening to this and be like, I want all of it to be like, maybe just a touch, right?

Meg Casebolt  18:34 
And I think you don’t even have to tell other people if this is something that you want to start exploring, right? Like you can, you know, like, I I have on my desk, my like my stack of to do list and then I have it right next to my tarot cards, because sometimes I just want that little like intuitive hit to be like, Okay, what am I thinking about today? How am I feeling about this idea today? And how is that going to influence? You know, like, sort of just like journaling prompts or debriefs in the same way? Like, I don’t think that this has to be, you know, either or all or nothing I loved when you said like, some people will be 40%, some people will be 90%, you know, but it’s okay to do some of this. So as you’re teaching this, like, what is the method that you are pulling new people into your world around this messaging?

Marissa Lawton  19:23 
Yeah. So I’m still kind of using traditional marketing like I have a quiz set up people can take, figure out what season of this journey are you on because there’s, there’s different quizzes a little

Meg Casebolt  19:37 
you can say traditional marketing, but then you can still make it right. feel a certain way.

Marissa Lawton  19:43 
So the key right here in the beginning of my funnel is insight, right? Like, oh, there’s a different way of thinking about business. There’s a different way of operating in life like, like sets an AHA right? And so insight oriented opt in, right if we’re going to use like the was no the language, you know, and then they’re invited into my world through kind of that insight portal that I’ve created. So yeah, absolutely doing traditional things with a mystical flair with a sacred flair. And I think that that’s how you arrive at this rooted place at this place of making those basic moments more magical, making those basic moments and kind of like, saturating them with sacredness, making them feel this word can be controversial, but like holy, right, like business can be wholly business can be sacred.

Meg Casebolt  20:36 
I have to decide where to go with this. So I want to talk a little bit more about like bringing, bringing the holy into the traditional marketing, especially because even though you say traditional marketing, I would say that you use traditional marketing channels, but you still use them in a in like, a feminine way. So yes, like, you have a tic tock strategy. And part of that is let me tap into the algorithm. Let me see what you know, what’s working, let me look at my metrics. And part of it is collaborations and going like who already has an audience that I can, you know, create content with them together? And I would say that the analytical side of it is more masculine of like, well, when should I post in order to get maximum reach? But then there’s also that like, feminine collaboration going on at the same time, it can be both even on the same channel?

Marissa Lawton  21:26 
Yeah, yeah. So a good way to think about this in business terms is, like masculine is the container that sets the parameters and then feminine is the energy to play. So I know that, like on Tiktok, or Instagram or whatever, right, like, here’s my content strategy on Instagram on Monday, I do a feed post on Tuesday, I do a real Wednesday, I go live Thursdays at other real Fridays, a carousel, right? That’s your masculine, that’s your container. That’s your structure. But what you how you’re showing up to that real what content you make, what what you how you play within that structure, is the feminine, so you can I think you should have both in business, right? I think you should have both in your life, even though I’m teaching feminine. And really helping people reclaim that energy. Because we’ve been cut off from it for so long. There still is a time and place and a necessity for masculine as well. Another flavor of feminine is communal, right? Masculine is going to be individual, you know, so let me go out and do this solo webinar semonin is going to be like a JV webinar, where your joint venture

Meg Casebolt  22:33 
webinar let me just join not everyone’s not everyone’s a, you know, webinar person. So I would say to you, Marissa, do you want to come into my audience and present to my audience about this, and I would host you in that space and introduce you. And then chances are, I’d probably get some sort of affiliate payout when people join through your link from that. So it would be this joint collaboration of both of us making money from the same audience by doing this introduction, right, that’s that there, it’s still money making, it’s still revenue generating, but it’s collaborative and communal versus just like, well, let me throw some Facebook ads on to get people into the funnels and drive them into the webinar and then automate the thing. And you know, like, it’s, it’s also the communal space of let’s engage with each other in real life in real time, versus the over automation that we sometimes see. Other. It’s not that there’s anything wrong with Evergreen webinars. I’m not trying to make it sound like that. It’s the it’s the like, depersonalization that I have issues with.

Marissa Lawton  23:35 
Yeah. And so getting out of webinars space, we see this also with bundles and summits. Right. That’s a way of collaborative energy. But even to execute a summit, for instance, you still need to figure out what the dates are, you need to put together the promo copy, you need to put together the speaker agreement, like all of that is creating the container for the summit to happen. It’s still masculine, right? But then when you’re getting on, and you’re interviewing that person, and you’re having those conversations, and then maybe you have like a q&a call where everybody shows up at the end. And like, it’s this this collaborative, communal feeling, like come and join us. So there’s a structure that’s masculine, but then the feeling of the event itself, the way it serves the audience, the topics, potentially, that you’re discussing, that can all have feminine energy.

Meg Casebolt  24:27 
Yeah, so it doesn’t. I think sometimes when we say like traditional marketing, because you even said, like, I still market traditionally. And I didn’t really think of you as traditional marketing, because the alternative to me would be like, either, you know, I don’t know what the alternative to traditional marketing is. Maybe it’s my definition that we’re talking about here. But I think about you having a podcast, you having these collaborations, and I would say you know, an email marketing like all to me, it’s not even traditional. It’s like, those are the channels that are available to us. as digital strategist as digital marketers, but the way that you show up can be different, and the messaging and the audience that you’re trying to receive and the topics that you’re discussing, like, it’s really strange to think of like, let’s do a moon circle traditionally.

Marissa Lawton  25:17 
Yeah, for sure. So I think, I think that’s a really cool way to think about it. And I’m grateful for you helping me have a reframe around it. Yeah, it is like there’s, there’s the channel, that that is an option. And there’s some that are used more frequently than others are some that are more popular than others that go in and out of style or Internet of trend than others. But a, you get to choose that channel and be you get to choose how you use that channel.

Meg Casebolt  25:48 
Right? You could have a masculine podcast or a feminine podcast, you’re gonna have, you know, depending on the circles that you’re running, and the topics that you’re talking about, there are ways that you can make the same platform, perform in different ways reach different people based on what it is that they need from you.

Marissa Lawton  26:06 
Right. And I think also the intention. So we’ve been talking about marketing, but like, the intention of, you know, the goal in your business. So one way to figure out if you’re in masculine energy and your business versus feminine and your energy and your business is let’s say you have a launch goal or something. Are you determined to achieve that goal? Where are you devoted to? Right determination is a much more masculine energy, it’s penitent, penetrative. It’s achievement oriented, right. Versus I’m so devoted to this, I’m devoted to this program, I’m devoted to this audience, I’m devoted to the experience that’s going to happen when I run this program, etc, that’s going to have a feminine, the feminine energy to it. So even the way you approach other tasks, not necessarily marketing related, you can still feel the energy of what you’re doing in your business. For me, I always

Meg Casebolt  27:08 
joke that like, sometimes I get a little bit loose in terms of my structure, and I have to have a structured team in order to hold the place. So it’s like, I’ll record this episode with you. And I’ll let it kind of go wherever it is that you and I want to go. But then I have to go into clique up and be like, Alright, here’s the link. So that way, you know, Jocelyn can go download it, and then when she’s done, she’ll hit it off the sheet. And she knows how to do this, you know, like, the team takes the structure. So I don’t have to, actually, because if I had to go edit the podcast and create the graphic, the podcasts wouldn’t happen.

Marissa Lawton  27:43 
So get this, this is what I just thought it Okay. Remember, like, because you and I’ve been in business around the same time, like member in like 2018 2019, probably pre pre pandemic, it was like, allow yourself to be the visionary, right? You’re building this team, so that you can step into that CEO role or that visionary? Oh, you

Meg Casebolt  28:02 
know what it was? It was Gino Whitman’s rocket fuel. That’s the bulk of it. That was like, you have to be the visionary CEO, and then you need to have an integrator in your business to take care of the operations. Yeah.

Marissa Lawton  28:13 
But what’s an Oracle? Is somebody who has visions. I’m just saying, so what are you doing, when you’re in that visionary role, you’re putting yourself in your feminine and you’re allowing the team or the systems or the whatever the whole the masculine structure, you’re literally becoming a visionary or becoming a fucking business Oracle. Like, that’s what’s happening. So that’s an ideal, or that’s an example of how we can have feminine in our business and it doesn’t have to be hustle, grind, achieve reach the next monetary amount. I know, this is something you’re passionate about, as well as like, who says that our revenue has to grow every year, who says that this amount of money is what makes me have a successful business, maybe you’re choosing to have a revenue of whatever, maybe it’s 60% of last year, but you are giving your energy to, to, you know, a volunteer, cause you’re giving your energy to your family, you’re giving your energy somewhere else that matters more to you than that revenue.

Meg Casebolt  29:17 
Yeah. Right. So how based on this based on these kinds of revelations that you’ve had in your own life, how they applied to a more, you know, I’m gonna say traditionally structured business and now you’re moving into the larger audience. lower cost, lower touch, larger group feeling of routed, yeah. How are you spending your time doing this? Yeah, so

Marissa Lawton  29:45 
right now I’d say like I have a lot more whitespace but that white space is still kind of business focused because the bit the business that side the business is still brand new, but instead of, you know, like UPS Testing and refreshing my email list certificate, a new subscriber or whatever. Maybe it’s actually an meditation about the business, maybe it’s drawing, doing an Oracle spread about the business. My ultimate goal is to not have my whitespace be business focused yet, but it’s a startup, it’s brand new, it needs that energy. But it can be a different kind of energy. Right? It can be a different kind of focus coming from a place of devotion, instead of a place of determination. Eventually, what would I like to do? Well, we just bought a house in Mexico. So I want to spend a lot more time down there just sitting on a beach. That would be lovely.

Meg Casebolt  30:40 
Yeah, I’ll meet you there. Yeah. Welcome, anytime.

Marissa Lawton  30:43 
So okay, we bought this house in Mexico, my husband runs a scuba business, and I would love to have retreats. So it’s not just purely right. It’s always gonna be that, that side to me, I’m never gonna get away from it fully. Right. But, um, you know, and then family time, and then I’d love to be on the PTO at my kids school, a lot of us as women, no, no, again, you’re passionate about this. We start our businesses and service versus masculine that’s like started in the business for like, self fulfilling reasons. A lot of times, it’s like, okay, well, I need to make money. But I also want to be at home with my kids or need to make money, but I also want this, but then, as we’ve seen, from the hustle culture, messages of like, it has to be this way, we quickly get out of that in our business takes over. Right? So

Meg Casebolt  31:34 
attaches our success metrics, which are typically, you know, masculine, you know, how much money am I making? How many followers do I have, it attaches those vanity metrics to our egos, which then is a contributor to the feelings of self worth. And if you then choose to draw back and say like, oh, you know, I, I just interviewed somebody who’s like, my father in law came to live with us, I had to take care of him, I had to cut my business in half, like the or my time spent on my business doesn’t necessarily mean that the revenue doesn’t necessarily mean that the impact is cut in half, but your time gets limited. And therefore you’re like, Well, I’m not doing enough where the outreach might be the same. But you have to be more intentional, you have to be more strategic, you have to, like really focus in and be devoted to what matters I’m choosing to vote is in your terminology here.

Marissa Lawton  32:27 
And I love what you just brought in, because I think it also there can be shifts, but there also can be a redefinition, right? We have attached our definitions of success to these patriarchal capitalistic concepts that you’re mentioning achievement, productivity, outcome, money, right? But what if your definition of success was how many times you made your kiddo smile, or how many times you and your partner had real connections on a date or weren’t just like, had a conversation that wasn’t just like, who’s doing pickup and drop off? Right? That was your measure of success, how connected you are, how in love you feel, how how much you’re sitting on a park bench, and you’re just watching the birds or whatever, like, that was your definition of success. And we can absolutely have businesses that feed us monetarily that pay our bills that give us the things that we want and need. Because we’re still humans, having a human experience. And money is wonderful, and feels really good when we get to spend it on the things we want to spend on. And also, what else could be successful, free time. Art, love connection, like any of that can also be a measure of success.

Meg Casebolt  33:45 
I kind of want to end it there because I feel like that’s such an empty place to stop, which is like our definitions of success do not have to be quantitatively measured in productivity or revenue base terms. Yeah. All right. So people want to hear you talk about this more. Find out more about rooted. Where do they go?

Marissa Lawton  34:09 
Yeah, so super easy, rooted feminine everywhere. So routed I have the routed feminine podcast and then rigid feminine with an underscore on Instagram. I also have a quiz that can help you see like, again, what season of this are you in because everything feminine is a cycle. It’s not a linear process. So you might find yourself in this seasonal shift. And that you can find it branded

Meg Casebolt  34:37 
Awesome. Thank you so much for being here with me appreciate it so much.

Marissa Lawton  34:41 
Yeah, this is lovely.

Meg Casebolt  34:45 
Thank you so much for listening to the social slowdown podcast. If you enjoyed this episode, please subscribe or come on over to social and sign up for our email list so you never miss an episode. We’d also love if you could write a review to help other small business owners find the show You can head over to social Or grab that link in our show notes for easy access we’ll be back soon with more tips to help you market your business without being beholden to social media Talk to you then

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bring more feminine energy into your business with marissa lawton - podcast episode on the social slowdown podcas with meg casebolt