You’ve got enough on your marketing to-do list.

Your know your website could be bringing you consistent leads from Google … but you don’t have the time or energy to learn keyword research & analyze the metrics to determine next steps yourself.

You’ve thought about hiring an agency, but the ongoing retainer feels like too big. Especially when you already have a team (maybe a copywriter, designer, or virtual assistant) who already knows your brand.

So you’re stuck in marketing limbo:

shouting into the void

You’re creating blogs, videos, podcasts & emails … but your audience is basically your mom & your dog

struggling to prioritize

You have a million ideas for offers of what your people might want … but can’t reliably predict which will get you the ROI you crave limited sales

Feels great to get all those likes and comments (hello, dopamine!) … yet your follower count isn’t reflected in your bank account

You wish an expert would just tell you exactly what to do next …and make sure it’s working.


Time to stop being the Best Kept Secret, and let Google bring those ideal clients right to your virtual doorstep.

You can get new leads from Google by using Search Engine Optimization (SEO): adjusting your website so Google can read it, and creating content (pages, blogs, video, audio, images) that your potential clients are searching for.


But getting started with SEO can feel intimidating, so most people default to one of two options:

hire professionals to do it for you

You can sit back & relax, knowing that the work is being done right … but you’re going to pay a premium price for it.

And if you choose an unqualified writer who doesn’t know about your specialty or audience, you just might spend more time editing than if you wrote it yourself.

teach yourself ... in what time?

There’s a learning curve around keyword research & content strategy, and you have to squeeze it into your already-busy marketing time, so it can take several months to see new traffic.

(Want to teach yourself without the time wasting? See: Content Love Lab, our DIY SEO membership)

But there can be a middle path between totally-hands-off and 100% DIY.

  • You are a freaking brilliant, accomplished entrepreneur. You don’t need someone to push you aside and do it for you.
  • You don’t need to know the intricate details of how SEO works to be able to implement a really effective plan.
  • You don’t have to figure it out alone, or follow someone else’s blueprint, or hire a whole ‘nother team member to get SEO results.

Don’t have the time & energy to learn SEO & build your own strategy? That’s ok, let’s do it together.

That’s why we created

SEO Strategy Roadmaps

A collaborative content strategy process to help you:

  • make the key pages of your site irresistible to Google
  • improve underperforming content you’ve already created, and
  • give you an action plan of what to create next

Together we’ll create a traffic generating plan for your website.
You &/or your team implement the plan, with SEO coaching support.
When it’s done, come back and we’ll give you a progress report and a reduced rate on your Phase 2 plan.

Not only will you likely see an uptick in ideal people finding you for the perfect topics … but because you’re doing work yourself and getting coaching, you’ll also be learning the skills you need to make real long-term change (no matter which direction your business takes in the future).

What’s included in an SEO Roadmap?

Each Roadmap is created unique to the business & owner’s goals, so we can’t give you a simple formula.

Depending on your website’s existing keywords, traffic platterns, ideal client needs, and business model, Roadmaps include these kinds of suggestions:

Key page improvements

The most visited pages on most websites are the Homepage, About page, and Services or Shop pages.

We’ll make suggestions of specific changes to the SEO listing & copy for each of the top-level pages in your main navigation to make them more likely to show up in search.

Existing content optimization

If you’ve got a blog, podcast, YouTube, shop or portfolio, chances are that you’ve got some hidden gold that we can show you how to polish.

Bonus: Updating content tends to rank even faster than new content, so the more we can improve, the faster you’ll see results.

New content plan

First we’ll identify keywords that will bring your ideal clients to your website. We’ll organize them into a content strategy (for your blog, YouTube, or podcast + show notes).

Skip the research, leap directly into creation.

“SEO advice customized to my website, podcasts & courses … and so easy to hand off to my team!”

It’s so hard in my industry (social media) to be generic, and the Love At First Search team really understood our difference in the marketplace and how we can build out our blog posts and cornerstone content to attract the perfect clients for our specific offers and stand out from everyone else.

The SEO Roadmap document was easy to understand, not a confusing spreadsheet of information. It was broken down in a way that I could skim it to understand  quickly, then hand off to my team to run with it.

And the conversation has given us ideas for new content to create! The team identified gaps in search results for content that wasn’t getting traffic, and we were able to  quickly optimize those existing posts to get better search results.

Andrea Jones

Social Media Strategist,

Took all the data I couldn’t read & spun it into a coherent content plan that I can actually follow!

The Love At First Search team listened to who my people are, what they’re like, what their worries and concerns are – and then combined that with all of the data about how people are finding me and what they’re searching for.

The detailed plan delivers everything I need to succeed. I had hoped that would happen, but didn’t think that was possible until I saw it.

I’ve taken SEO courses, but when I look at search traffic data, I can’t see anything other than a landslide of phrases that don’t add up to anything. Meg took all of that and spun it into a coherent content plan that will appeal to my ideal clients, AND that I’m excited to write!

Stop guessing about how to help new clients find you through search, and let the team guide you.

Kyla Roma

Marketing Strategist,

Our Google traffic increased 30% in 6 months & brings in tons of perfect clients from keywords we never would have considered. 

Before we started, we had over 200 blog posts and weren’t sure which were the most effective. Our plan identified the most likely to improve and showed us how to edit them.

Since we updated them 6 months ago, our top 10 blog posts have seen a 50% increase in search traffic, and our overall Google traffic has increased by 30%!

Plus having a clear plan of what to create next has made our podcasting production & blog planning so much easier.

Our content is bringing in tons of new school-based speech language pathologists from keywords we never would have considered on our own.

The Love At First Search team is always there when we have questions. I highly recommend this process if you want to attract more amazing clients!

Marisha Mets

Speech-Language Pathologist & Founder,

“My SEO Roadmap gave me confidence that I’m making the right marketing decisions for each of my business websites.”

Now I can see how SEO strategy actually works within the context of my business, then once I understood, I could apply that knowledge to my future client projects.

There were so many keywords I could have found myself or paths I could have taken, so having Meg & her team dig into my business’ goals to help make the right strategic decisions gave me confidence as I was implementing the plan, because i understood why the team made those specific suggestions.

And then as I was making updates to my website, what I really appreciated is that we met live, so I could stay engaged and ask questions in real time and learn from other people in the group at a similar stage.

Gillian Hill

You don’t have to figure it out alone, or follow a cookie-cutter blueprint, or hire an expensive agency to get SEO results.

Getting found online doesn’t have to be hard … if you have the right plan and support.

You have limited marketing time; you can either spend it teaching yourself SEO or actually doing the work. And doing will get you results a whole lot faster than dreaming.

SEO Roadmap only

content plan document
+ 1 month email support


You’ve got an experienced team, they just need the step-by-step plan to hit the ground running

Best if you have dedicated service providers with SEO experience (copywriters, designers, or VAs) who can make the on-site changes and write the new content.

An SEO Roadmap document contains a detailed keyword-driven  checklist of recommendations for 10 pages.

Depending on your existing search traffic, this will be made of a combination of:

  • Keyword research & SEO suggestions for your website key pages  (Home, About, Services, etc) and/or for existing posts
  • Keyword research & content plan for new blog posts

SEO Roadmap VIP

+ 1 year implementation support


You &/or your team want to make sure that you’re doing it right & that your SEO plan working.

Your personalized SEO Roadmap (recommendations for 10 pages), plus:

One year support in Content Love Lab membership for you and/or a team member($1000 value):

  • Instant access to pre-recorded  SEO trainings 
  • 2x/mo live coaching calls & office hours for customized feedback
  • 2x/mo personalized video feedback on your submissions
  • Access to an online community for questions and connections between sessions (intentionally hosted on Circle, not Facebook groups)

SEO Roadmap Pro

+ 1:1 consulting



Best for established websites that need additional support, content & analytics strategy

Best if  you’ve already got a high converting sales funnel and content production system, ie. a weekly podcast, blog or YouTube channel.

You don’t want to waste a moment on content that doesn’t drive to a sale, especially if you can repurpose across multiple platforms to get multichannel traffic.

Let’s optimize your entire content marketing ecosystem with:

  • TWO Customized SEO Roadmaps: Detailed SEO content plan for 10 pages of your website, including
  • Quarterly 1:1 coaching call with Meg, to review traffic analytics and discuss content, UX & lead gen

you might be wondering …

Does this plan include implementation?

Ever heard the phrase “Too many cooks spoil the broth”? We’ve seen this happen often, where our clients come to us after hiring an SEO agency that patted them on the head and said, “Don’t stress about it, we’ll take care of it” … and then had nothing to show for it. Or the agency disappeared before the contract ended, leaving our clients high-and-dry.

We also love that phrase, “Teach a person to fish, they’ll eat for a lifetime.” We’d much rather take the time to support you & guide your team in implementing your strategy & showing you where to see results. Whenever you’re ready, you’ll leave us mama birds in the Love At First Search nest, and we want you to fly away confidently.

Wow, that’s a lot of mixed metaphors. What’s the practical answer? 

If you already have an assistant or team to help you with website updates & consistent content creation, then you don’t need to hire us! You can just get the Roadmap and your team can get to work.

If you don’t have a team, let us know — we’ve got a rolodex of service providers (copywriters, designers and website optimizers) with experience in multiple industries with different software expertise. We can connect you with preferred partners to  get it done!

Will I have to do a lot of writing? Can I hire a writer?

Almost certainly. Google’s crawlerbots base most of their decisions on the words on your website, so you’ll probably need to write quite a bit.

But we don’t believe writing as an exercise to hit a certain word count; we want each page, post & product to have  a unique reason to bring in traffic for a specific purpose — not repeating yourself on every page just to hit a word count.

The amount that you’ll need to create will depend on your business model and the amount of existing content that you already have.Some of our plans for established websites are mostly focused on updating categories and navigation, and optimizing existing content.

But for newer sites, you’ll absolutely need to write something fresh — typically we reommend at least 10 blog posts of at least 750-100 words each.

Don’t have time or interest in writing? We’d be happy to introduce you to a few of our SEO-focused content writers who are accustomed to working with our plans, and many of whom already have the subject matter expertise you might need.

Is Meg doing all the work?

Nope! Because frankly, it’s not necessary. That’s how we’re able to make this offer cost what it costs.

If you want to hire only Meg individually, you’d pay at least 3-4x more … but we both know you don’t need on specific person to do it, you just need the plan.

All the Love At First Search team members have been diligently in our in-house methodology. In the same way that you & your team are capable of updating your website, our team is capable of creating these strategies, with oversight from Meg. 

What if I don't have a team? Can you do this for me?

If you need help with upgrade your website, our team can help in the short-term with on-site optimization of your existing content. You’ll have the option to add this at check-out.

If after receiving your plan, you realize that you want to implement faster than you & your team can learn — or something comes up in your life and you just don’t have the capacity — just reach out and let us know, and we can add it on later.

If you need writing support, we’re happy to connect you with one of our partner content production agencies that understands how to write for SEO in your voice.

What happens when I finish all the tasks on my SEO Roadmap?

 There will be no pressure or obligation to extend beyond the delivery of your SEO Strategy Roadmap … but if you want additional support, we’re here for it!

You might have enough new traffic than you can pause your SEO efforts and enjoy the new leads.

You might now understand enough about SEO that you can do your own keyword research (especially if you choose to also join Content Love Lab!), and our team can take on a mentorship role as you create your OWN plan.

Or you might want to come for another Roadmap … and that will be available at 30% off, since we already know your business model & goals.

What if I don't have/want Google Analytics?

If you don’t have an analytics tool like Google Analytics installed, that’s ok! We can get the relevant data through our SEO tools.

If you use another analytics software: COOL. We use Fathom Analytics for our websites and also love Plausible Analytics. We’re flexible!

Why should I choose this instead of the Content Love Lab?

Content Love Lab is an amazing program + community if you want to learn how to do the keyword research & content planning for yourself. If you have the time & interest to learn, by all means come join us in the Lab!

But if you don’t want to learn, you just want to have the plan handed to you … this SEO Roadmap is like a Content Love Lab accelerator. Same potential outcomes, but you don’t have to be the one to do it.

Still on the fence? Book an SEO Roadmap VIP and we’ll create your SEO Plan and you can learn how to do the keyword and research after you’ve finished your plan.

Instead of 1:1 video feedback, you can get all your questions answered on our bi-weekly coaching calls. The best of both worlds!

When's the next available start date?

We typically have availability 2-3 weeks out from the booking date. (And we can’t start tomorrow — we need about a week before the call the do all the pre-call research.)

Most clients get their full plan within a month of buying.

Wait, how do I buy this again?

Yeah, let’s do this! Click here to get the pricing options, then you’ll be directed to book your call.

Here’s what your new marketing to-do list could look like:

✔ Build an offer your ideal client needs

✔ Design a website where new clients can learn about your offers, subscribe to your email list, buy your products and/or book a call to work with you

☐ Learn keyword research and still wonder if you’re choosing the “right” one

☐ Spend tons of time posting on social media

☐ Create SEO-based content marketing  strategy

☐ Book an SEO Roadmap and …

☐ Get a prioritized action plan, customized to my website and business goals

☐ Update my homepage and offer pages

☐ Improve calls to action so that new people find my website actually hire me

☐ Optimize existing content to amplify what’s already working

☐ Create new keyword-driven videos, podcasts and blogs to attract new visitors

☐ See initial results within 1-3 months

☐ Spend less time on marketing